Monday, May 24, 2010

Why does my computer run slower?

My computer takes a long time to log on to Windows. But after logged on, it runs at normal speed.

80 GB SATA Disk in to 5 partitions.

Boot drive is C: (Capacity = 14.7 GB, 5.11 GB free)

Windows is installed on C:\Windows

CPU - Intel Celeron 2.54 GHz

RAM - 240 MB

Video Memory - 16 MB Allocated from the RAM

OS - Windows XP SP2

Virtual Memory - 768 MB to 1024 MB

Virus Scanner - Trend Micro Internet Security 2007

While logging on, Windows Task Manager shows that the CPU usage is full.

Why does my computer run slower?
-try some of the tips given below

-downlod, install and run a free program called advanced windows care V2personal free edition
Reply:virus/spyware/malware.. check ur pc up often. and clean ur trash often as well.
Reply:Firstly, check which process is consuming most CPU, by clicking on CPU header in task manager.

Comments / Recommendations

1) 240 MB is small memory for windows XP machine. I wonder how it is working. Upgrade to atleast 512 MB (recommendation 1G)

2) Having antivirus slows down machine a bit

3) Virtual memory - you have more than twice ur physical memory as virtual memory. Having bigger virtual memory does not improve performance, it degrades it, as OS would spend more time shuffling data from physical to virtual memory, which is nothing but a huge file in C:\.
Reply:If your computer have to load a big register (registery) at logging in, it may run slow. If you often adds and removes softwares, the registery gets bigger. If you want to clean, use some free softwares.

There are also some other causes. But your problem should be solved by this.
Reply:got too many start up programs? maybe increase the memory?
Reply:From that list, it looks like you installed XP on a system that was barely able to handle it. The two things I'd suggest upgrading the most are the hard-drive (you can't even buy an iPod with less than twice the capacity, and it would physically fit inside your existing drive) and the RAM (240MB? Get at least a matched pair of half-gig sticks, if not 1GB sticks). Right now, what's probably happening is XP is running out of RAM during the boot-up process, and is resorting to using Virtual RAM (which is essentially writing files from one location on the hard-drive to another location on the hard-drive, and is a lot slower than just sucking them up into RAM chips). And you're currently using 20% of your available hard-drive capacity just to make up for the tiny amount of actual RAM that your computer has available (I wouldn't feel too bad, as the desktop that I just replaced last year had the same 15GB hard-drive, but only 64MB of RAM, and probably more of the total capacity filled up...but I knew better than to try to shoe-horn XP into that system).
Reply:dude, you ram and video ram , are way down for todays ( XP ) standards, up ram to 500+ to 1gb, and get a video board with ram 32 to 64mb, and on that note ♪, get some fans for cooling video cpu and case,

since windows and firewall and virus scanners using alot your ram,

disable any other un-necessary programs at startup,

clean up drive, empty temp folders, empty browser cache and cookies, empty downloaded installer folder,

run scandisk error checker , then run defragmenter and analyze first, if fragmented (red) , then defragment,

if needed, repair and scan in safe mode (f8)

Reply:First of all there's lots of good answers here! I had the exact same problem myself, so I got more RAM and I got another hard drive which I use as a back up! A slave I think it's called! So all the movies and games that I download I put them on my new drive. I have to say that it all works a treat for me %26amp; It didn't cost that much either! Now my pc works like a new pc %26amp; it's very fast %26amp; Im very happy with it. Im just throwing some ideas at you! Also do check your pc at all times for virus! AVG is great %26amp; at the moment it's free! I hope this gives you some help, good luck!
Reply:It could be a couple of things. It is most likely some stuff it is loading when it starts up your profile. You can alter what starts up and runs in the background by going to start%26gt;run and typing in MSConfig then hitting your enter key. You will see a bunch of tabs on the window that opens. The one you want is called something like startup. There are several things in there with checks in the boxes. Uncheck the programs you do not want to start up automatically. (AOL is a BIG resource hog!!).

You can also remove any virus and adware. See the links below.

Then I would recommend you run defrag just in case.

Good luck, HTH
Reply:You don't have a lot of hard drive space left, and you have a small amount of memory for the operating system to use, thus its using virtual memor; or space from your hard drive. You also have a slower processor for what the computer is doing. I would recommend upgrading your ram, and also see if I could eliminate some files and create more space. Defrag your disk also.
Reply:You have a lot of programs on your start up. Or virus. Check for virus first and do the following latter. Press start=%26gt;run then type in msconfig=%26gt; prees OK. Go to sartup and clear the programs you dont really need on startup. You might be Fine
Reply:This is very simple I asked the same question once. Your computer has low ram 240mb i recommend upgrading to 512mb or 756mb to speed things up. Because amateurs believe ram is nothing it means a lot in the computer. Its what smoothens your power. Doesnt mater if you have 3.6 ghz like me if you dont have the high ram your screwed over. Ram is quite cheap around $99 for a pair (which you need) of 256mb ram

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